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Astrin Smart Infra Academy - Meeting
Astrin Smart Infra Academy ASTRIN (the Association of companies in Smart Technology for Infrastructure in the Netherlands) was founded in 1995 as trade organisation and advocate of the traffic industry.

Open Universiteit - Masteruitreiking
Open Universiteit The Open Universiteit is a non-traditional, public university with a special mission: to develop, innovate and provide open higher education.

Stichting Infrastructuur Kwaliteitsborging Bodembeheer (SIKB) - Conference 2023
Stichting Infrastructuur Kwaliteitsborging Bodembeheer (SIKB) SIKB is a network organisation where government and industry create practice-oriented quality guidelines for soil, water, archaeology, soil protection and data standards. The aim is ...

Vivent - Members Day Vivent 2023
Vivent Vivent is the healthcare expert in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the surrounding area. With our expertise, they offer the best care at home and from residential care centres.

Stichting VVE Belang - Fall Conference 2023
Stichting VVE Belang VvE Belang’s mission is to ensure the proper functioning of Owners’ Associations in the Netherlands through knowledge sharing, advocacy and services.

Nederlandse Vereniging van Huidtherapeuten (NVH) - Skin Therapist Day 2023
Nederlandse Vereniging van Huidtherapeuten The NVH is the professional association of and for skin therapists in the Netherlands. They represent the interests of over 1,500 affiliated members. These members are ...

Grensoverschrijdend Werken - Annual Conference 2023
Grensoverschrijdend Werken Grensoverschrijdend Werken is the only knowledge institute in the Netherlands focusing purely on international assignment regulations. Via study days, seminars, a trade magazine and reference information Grensoverschrijdend Werken ...

Open Universiteit - Informatica studiedag 2023
Open Universiteit The Open Universiteit is a non-traditional, public university with a special mission: to develop, innovate and provide open higher education.

Stichting Hematon - Landelijke Hematondag Zuid 2023
Hematon Foundation Hematon is the patient organisation for people with a hemato-oncological disorder.

HAS Green Academy - Medewerkersdag
HAS Green Academy HAS Green Academy is the Knowledge centre for pupils, students and professionals who are integrated into the agro, food and living environment in the South of the ...
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