B.V. Brabanthallen Exploitatie Maatschappij B.V., operating under the name of 1931 Congrescentrum ’s-Hertogenbosch, is a subsidiary of Libéma Exploitatie B.V. (“Libéma”). The protection of the privacy of their (potential) customers and visitors to its parks, the www.libema.nl website and other Libéma-related websites (“Websites”) is a matter of the highest priority for Libéma and its affiliated companies, including Expo Haarlemmermeer. We sometimes have to process personal data concerning you, to ensure that our activities are carried out smoothly. When accessing your personal data, we exercise the most outstanding care and ensure compliance with applicable legislation as well as our internal privacy policy.
This Privacy Policy aims to provide you with information about the processing of your personal data by Libéma. It describes the reasons for which we process your data, how we do so, and your rights in this connection (for example, your right to access and object to the processing of your data). The major part of the personal data collected and used by us is required in order to fulfil our agreement with you. In some cases, we also use your data for marketing purposes.
This Privacy Policy will provide you with information on the following topics:
1. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
Libéma Exploitatie B.V. (“Libéma”), having its registered office at Graafsebaan 133, 5248 NL Rosmalen, is the data controller for the processing of your personal data by all companies affiliated with Libéma. Libéma uses various systems to process your personal data (such as office automation systems, administration systems and website hosting applications). Consequently, the suppliers of these systems may also process personal data about you on behalf of Libéma. Libéma has concluded agreements with these parties, which provide for sufficient guarantees to ensure the careful processing of your personal data, in conformity with the law and Libéma’s internal privacy policy, as well as this Privacy Policy.
For more information about these suppliers, please contact Libéma.
2. When do we process your personal data?
Libéma records your data in connection with the sale of its products and services (such as e-tickets), or the provision of its services, and in other cases in which Libéma contacts you. Examples of such data include your name, your address, your e-mail address, your telephone number, your date of birth and your bank details. General visitor data – which does not identify such visitors – is maintained on the Websites.
3. Why do we process your personal data?
Libéma primarily uses these data in order to provide our services to you and for service-related purposes. We also use the data to protect our property and employees.
The registration of data via the Websites is aimed at further optimising Libéma’s services by, among other things, adapting the design of the Websites to the needs of visitors to the maximum extent possible, and by placing more targeted information on the Websites.
Libéma also uses personal data to understand the preferences and interests of its (potential) customers and of visitors to the Websites and to process reservations and e-tickets. Libéma also uses these data to provide its services and to update (potential) customers and visitors to the Websites concerning Libéma’s activities, products and services, and for market research purposes, wherever applicable. Libéma strives to take your interests into account in this context. Libéma uses the data concerning its (potential) customers and Website visitors to develop new services and products.
4. Why may we process your data?
Libéma may use your personal data since it is required for:
Libéma may in some cases only process your data if you have permitted the same, for example, if you opt for some of our attractions (such as the Klimpark (climbing park)), we need to process your health data or if we use photos in which you can be recognised. You may revoke your consent at any time.
5. For how long do we retain your data?
Libéma does not retain data longer than is necessary for the performance of our activities unless the law prescribes that such data must be retained for a longer period of time. Most of the data will be deleted within two years after our business relationship with you has come to an end.
6. What do we do with the data (cookies) that is automatically collected whenever you visit the website?
Libéma uses cookies when offering its services. A cookie is a simple, small data file that is stored on the hard disk of your computer. Libéma uses temporary as well as special cookies. Temporary cookies do not contain any personal data and are only intended to facilitate your use of the Websites. Special cookies help recognise you during subsequent visits to the Websites. For example, they help remember your settings, such as your name and date of birth. More information about cookies can be found in Libéma’s Cookie Policy.
7. When and how do we use your data for sending newsletters and other commercial messages?
Libéma wants to keep its (potential) customers and visitors of the Websites informed about its products and services. When you subscribe to an electronic newsletter from Libéma, you give Libéma permission to use your e-mail address to send such newsletter along with other information from Libéma, such as offers and surveys. If you no longer wish to receive information via e-mail, you may unsubscribe using the link provided at the bottom of each electronic newsletter.
8. What about recording telephone calls?
Libéma reserves the right to record telephone calls. It will only use such recordings for internal (training) purposes. The recordings will not be further distributed or made available to third parties.
9. How is your data used in case you click on a link placed on our website that redirects you to a third-party website?
On the Websites, visitors may click on links of other companies that are not affiliated with Libéma. Libéma is not responsible for the processing of personal data by such other companies. Libéma recommends that you carefully read the privacy policy of these companies since they may contain different conditions to those contained in Libéma’s privacy policy.
10. Who has access to your data and to which third parties do we provide your data?
Only authorised personnel within Libéma have access to these data.
If Libéma’s partners are responsible for (part of) the processing of personal data, Libéma has agreed with such parties that they will also ensure optimal protection of the personal data and Libéma will only do so if such third parties only use the data in a manner and for a purpose that is related to the purpose for which they obtained the data, and only in conformity with this privacy policy. There are also confidentiality obligations and security measures imposed by law to prevent the disclosure of your personal data to other parties. In some cases, Libéma is also under a legal obligation to provide data to third parties. We always try to ensure that your right to privacy is respected to the extent possible. If your details are sent outside Europe, for example to a data centre or to our supplier in such place, this shall only be done in conformity with the provisions of applicable law.
Libéma has concluded agreements with these parties, which provide for sufficient guarantees to ensure the careful processing of your personal data, in conformity with the law and Libéma’s internal privacy policy, as well as this Privacy Policy.
11. What are your rights with regard to the use of your data?
You may object to the use of your personal data, for example, if in your opinion, Libéma has no need to process your personal data in order to perform its activities or to comply with a legal obligation.
You have the right to inspect your personal data. This means that you can enquire which of your personal data have been registered and the purposes for which such data will be used. If in your opinion, Libéma has incorrect personal information concerning you, you can have such personal data rectified. You can request a restriction on the processing of your personal data, and also for the time you require in order to assess your requests or objections.
You can request the removal of your personal data from the systems or the transfer of your personal data to a third party.
Your request will of course be complied with, unless Libéma has a compelling, legitimate interest that outweighs your privacy interest, in not deleting the data. After the deletion of such data, it is technically not possible to immediately delete all copies of the data from the systems and backup systems. Requests for data may be refused if they are unreasonably frequent, involve unreasonably heavy technical effort or have unreasonable technical consequences for the systems, or endanger the privacy of others.
You may notify your request or objection by sending a message containing your name, address, and telephone number, accompanied by a copy of a valid identification document to privacy@libema.nl. Remember to make your BSN (citizen service number) illegible on the copy of the proof of identity before sending it. You will receive a reply within one month.
12. How can you lodge a complaint concerning the use of your personal data?
If you have a complaint about how Libéma is using your personal data, you may contact us on 073-5282200 (on working days between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and by e-mail at: privacy@libema.nl.
You may also submit a complaint about the use of personal data to the Data Protection Authority via https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/zelf-doen/privacyrechten/klacht-over-gebruik-persoonsgegevens?qa=klacht.
13. How do we protect your data?
Libéma makes every effort to protect your personal data to the extent possible against unlawful use, by taking all reasonable, appropriate security measures to protect ourselves and our customers and employees against unauthorised access or alteration, disclosure or destruction of personal data. Libéma shall comply with the applicable security standards in this context.
If, despite the security measures in place, a security incident occurs that is likely to adversely affect your privacy, you will be notified concerning the incident as soon as possible. You will be notified concerning the measures we have taken to limit the consequences and prevent a recurrence in the future.
14. How can you contact us in connection with the use of personal data?
Do you have questions, comments or complaints about the protection of your personal data by Libéma? If so, you may contact us:
By telephone at 073-5282200 on working days between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and/or by e-mail: privacy@libema.nl.
15. What is our internal policy for the use of your personal data?
The basic principles of our internal privacy policy are:
16. What happens if this Privacy Policy is changed?
Libéma sometimes revises the privacy policy, for example, if there are changes in the law. You will find the current version of the privacy policy on our Websites. We will notify substantial changes if any in a more prominent manner, for example via our website or by e-mail.
17. How can you view or alter your data?
If you wish to inspect your data, have them rectified, or if you want to object to Libéma’s use of your data, you may contact us by telephone or e-mail. Libéma will then send you an e-mail containing an overview of the data that is known and registered in Libéma at that moment.